Recently I’ve been getting more and more into sour beers and thankfully the Charlotte area seems to have no shortage of good ones. This particular example is a sour IPA that was fermented with a sourdough starter, rather than traditional brewers yeast, which makes it quite a unique experience. Starting with the aromas, you’re hit immediately with the smell of very wheaty bread as well as some lovely notes of lemon. Moving onto the first sip you quickly experience that tart sourness to the beer, it’s certainly not extreme but is noticeably sour. Once you settle in though you are greeted with a great taste of sourdough, yogurt and an interesting honey like sweetness to the back end. As for the finish you’ll find that tartness lingers for a bit, but not quite as long as I’d personally like. Which brings us nicely to the food pairings, and I have to say I really enjoyed this with a beef enchilada. Though, I can see this going just as well with salmon … or really any seafood seasoned with lemon. In the end this beer was a great find as it showed me another example of just how good sours can be, and how interesting a small craft brewer can make them. So, with that in mind, would I recommend this to others? Most definitely, so if you can find yourself a drink of this beer I’d say to give it a go.
TLDR Notes: Smell - Bread, Lemon Taste - Sourdough, Yogurt, Honey Finish - Short Finish, Tart Cost - $17.00 For a Crowler If you’d like to know more you can check out their site here: Free Range Brewing