I’ve had a fair few honey beers in the past and my usual complaint with them is that they tend to be a bit too sweet. So, when I found this Honey IPA from Hiver I was pleasantly surprised. Starting off with this beer you get a really good aroma of Malt and Honey, which goes quite nicely together. Besides this though I also got an interesting floral undertone, maybe honeysuckle but I couldn’t quite say for sure. Moving to the taste, you come back to the malt and honey, but it's a bit less than you’d think from the smell. Along with that you also get a very nice biscuit/cookie flavor which was very interesting. As for the finish, well it’s quite the smooth easy drinking beer, but doesn’t linger for quite as long as I’d like. That, of course, brings us to food and personally I had this with a delicious Venezuelan Arepa from the Market across the street from Hiver and it went very well with this. I can also see this going well though with really any form of BBQ, charcuterie or even a Caesar Salad. Overall this is quite an interesting, delicious and refreshing beer that I would certainly recommend to anyone.
TLDR Notes: Smell - Honey, Malt, Floral Taste - Honey, Malt, Biscuit Finish - Medium, Smooth Cost - £5.00 a Pint
If you’d like to know more you can check out their site here: Hiver Beers