This is an old review I wrote for another site
Ah Port, by far my favourite standalone wine varietal (as I prefer to drink it by itself without food). This particular port was given to me by a friend who was passing through West Virginia and thought I might enjoy it. Thankfully, this friend was right on the money as this proved to be a very tasty Ruby style Port. When you pop the cork on this wine you are instantly greeted by the familiar, and always welcome, aromas of fruit and berries. And since this is a fortified wine (as all ports are) you of course get the ever present smell of alcohol, which though detectable was not overpowering. After taking your first sip you are once again introduced to the fruit and berries from above. This time I’m pretty sure that the fruit was plum, and that the berry aroma was coming through as cherries. You also get a slight hint of caramel to the whole thing which really surprised me, in a good way of course. And to top this all off you get a wonderfully long, smooth finish that gives you this lovely warming feeling (thanks to it being fortified). Like I said at the start I tend to drink ports on their own, though I think this one would go well with some hard cheese or maybe even some brownies. So my opinion is that if you are in West Virginia, or don’t mind calling in an order to the vineyard, get yourself a bottle of this. I am pretty sure you’d enjoy it, especially if you like ports or other types of dessert reds.