This is an old review I wrote for another site
I am a huge fan of all Port style wines, so I had some pretty high expectations for this wine before I even opened the bottle. This expectation was compounded by its price, which is on the upper end of the scale of what I tend to review. Thankfully , this Ruby Port style wine didn’t disappoint, though to be honest it didn’t blow me out of the water either. When you open up a bottle of this wine you are met with some pretty pleasant fruity aromas, of which the only one I can really make out clearly is what I believe to be plum. Besides the fruit you also get a hint of the spirits that fortified this wine, though thankfully this wasn’t overbearing at all. After you take your first sip you are once again brought face to face with that plum aroma you got early on, which does make for a lovely flavour. You also are hit with a nice hint of what I think may be cherry, which would make sense as this is a blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Now port is a wonderful wine to have on its own, though as this is a lighter Ruby Port this does mean it can go quite nicely with some food. Personally, I had this by itself as a digestif (after dinner drink) but I strongly believe that this would go great with some chocolate cake (and who doesn’t love chocolate cake). In the end, this is a wonderful Ruby Port style wine that I believe you may enjoy if you are a port fan or a fan of sweeter reds. Its price may be a bit off putting for some, but I believe in the end it is worth the price as it is pretty well balanced with some great qualities, so go on and give it a go.